
Showing posts from June, 2011

My Princess

If I were to write a fairy-tale, my princess would be able to handle sleeping on rocks, much less a pea. If my princess slept a little fitfully her first night in the castle because of some pea-sized lump in her mattress, she certainly wouldn’t embarrass her hosts by mentioning it. My princess wouldn’t need to be rescued- She’d be smart enough not to get abducted in the first place. My princess wouldn’t need to marry into money to keep her kingdom wealthy- She’d manage money wisely and set up an economy that encouraged thriving businesses. My princess wouldn’t marry some prince just because he came along and climbed a glass mountain or killed an unsuspecting monster or any of those silly things. She would know that just because a prince was the strongest warrior- it wouldn’t always make him the best husband, or the best king. My princess would pick a prince who was smart, wise, kind, and generous...if she decided to get married at all. She would wear sensible shoes so she could run if...