Book Review: Of Eternal Life

I actually KNOW a published book writer. Not like in a "I stalk their blog and sometimes they comment on mine way," but in the very real sense that one of my best friends from college, Micah Persell-Council, is just about to get her first book published. Am I a little envious? Of course I am. But mainly, I am just proud that I know her. She's one of my favorite people and if she can write a book and get it picked up by a publishing company, that gives me hope, too. I'm especially pleased because she sent me an e-copy before the book comes out so that I could review it on this blog. Now Micah writes in a genre I had never heard of before: Paranormal Romance. As best as I can tell, it's sort of like your standard romance novel, but with sort of a psuedo-science-fiction/fantasy element tossed in, making it pretty darn interesting. The book has kidnapping, gun fights, characters with mysterious supernatural abilities, secret government cover-ups, and of course two very sexy main characters who share a lot of blush-worthy scenes. Graphic sex scenes, in fact, so I wouldn't recommend this book for your innocent teenage daughter. But if you like a good romance novel that's not your standard historical bodice-ripper, you will definitely enjoy the read. But don't take my word for it (apologies to Lavar Burton). You can visit Micah's author website here author website and the book's facebook page.


  1. How did Lavar Burton get in here? ;D

  2. Thanks for reading my book, Sandy! I can't wait to return the favor when your first book comes out ;) Love you tons!

  3. I got on amazon trying to find it, but couldn't. now i find out that it's not even out yet. gah, I was so excited to read it! When does it officially come out?

  4. Meghan, I believe the e-copy comes out on June 4th. Until then, you will have to wait with bated breath!


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