What will I be when I grow up...

I am currently enrolled in a class at my church called "Financial Peace University" by Dave Ramsey. In one of the sessions, he challenged us with the question, "What would you do or what would you become if I didn’t have to work for money. If you could have any job in the world, regardless of money or education, what would it be?"

I thought about this, and I wondered if perhaps I should say, “I would be a writer.” But I didn’t feel like that was really true. It took me a few days to realize that this was because I already am a writer. Sure, I don’t make much money at it and my books have yet to appear in any bookstores, but I am a writer, simply because I write.

My other job as a high school English teacher is extremely rewarding. I wouldn’t change it. In fact, writing and teacher compliment each other well. I really enjoy my kids at school, and although they don’t always enjoy me- they have a grudging respect for me. It gives me a chance to get into someone else’s brain and they are great for brainstorming with. They’re my babies. I feel protective of them, and I desperately want them to succeed.

I’ll be sad to leave my job when it’s time for me to stay home with some babies of my own. But I’ll come back to it someday, richer, stronger, and with more to give. Somebody once said that the definition of happiness is finding what you are best at and doing that thing excellently. I think that somebody was right.


  1. according to some I haven't grown up yet..:)..I work with kids of all ages as a charter bus driver..most of my work is in schools..I would rather have a bus full of kids than adults...they are just to much fun..especially the little ones..:)

  2. When you figure out the answer to that title question, let me know how you did it. haha

  3. I'm still living in hope of making it as a star football player, I can dream can't I?

  4. livintheblues- you're right, kids are so fun. The high schoolers are terribly annoying some days, but I'd still rather have them than adults.

    Sharkbytes- from reading your blog, it looks like you're living your dreams wonderfully.

    Ryan- I guess your football dream depends on whether you want to play American football, or what we Yankees call soccer. It's probably too late for American football, but maybe you still have a chance at soccer.

  5. Dear Sandy , I had a wonderful moment this week teaching. I was being observed it was my three year observation and I was really in the zone. I made mistakes but it didn't matter I was having fun. When she came to discuss my observation her words were"It is an enjoyable experience to watch you teach,you integrate technology and different teaching methods so beautifully. When it is good like that I feel like I am dancing. I really love what I do I am addicted. Mamasita

  6. Mom- Those moments make it all worthwhile. Teaching can really be tons of fun...sometimes.


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