Harper Lee for President- Revisited

I had an unprecedented amount of traffic on my blog this month. So much traffic, in fact, that I began wondering what on earth I had written or done that made so many people visit my blog. A little on-line sleuthing soon delivered some answers.
It turns out that President Obama recently presented Harper Lee with a special award for her book _To Kill a Mockingbird_. Apparently "Harper Lee President" was a popular search title on Google for a few weeks, and my blog post, "Harper Lee for President" was in the top 6, so quite a few people clicked on it. What a fun, serendipitous thing to happen.
I am still working in my short story, "Alvinia." I am developing the character of Mistress Georgette, who is the primary mover and shaker in the story. She is the character in the story most like me, or should I say, most like who I would like to be. The title character, Alvinia, is a fairly flat character- your general, run-of-the-mill pretty girl with a little spunk.
But Mistress Georgette is truly a force to be reckoned with. She is clever and compassionate, but both qualities are tempered with practicality. She's a business woman in a man's world, but she can work within the system to get what she wants without making a fuss. She is lighthearted and handsome, but always dignified, and anyone who disrespects her does it at their own peril, because this a woman you want on your side. I have based her partially on Dolly Levi from "Hello, Dolly," Bathsheda Everdene from Far From the Madding Crowd, and myself when I'm in full teacher mode. Mistress Georgette is going to not only help Alvinia in a clever and peaceful way, but she's also going to get what she wants in the process.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go write the thing instead of just waffling on about it.
I think she also sounds a little like your mom and Grandma. Now get on with the writing. Mamasita